Bangalore Background Checks, Criminal Record checks,employee Screening

Employment Verification

Any company is as good as the talent it hires. Any establishment’s growth and sustainability depends on the people who work for it. Therefore, it would be foolhardy to risk the company’s future by hiring people with fraudulent resumes.

More often than not, we do come across applications where candidates have inflated the job position held, the level of pay, or even the dates of employment. It is of utmost importance to verify employment details to determine the validity of the resume and to ensure the candidates have the experience they claim. The information obtained may include applicant's current and previous work history, including dates of employment; job position, responsibilities, salary, reasons for leaving, reasons not to hire, and overall performance. As per requirement, we also help establishments with attendance, employee rating and eligibility for rehire.

At iCrederity, we not just cross check the information provided by the employee regarding previous employment i.e. employers name and designation etc, but also collect factual information about the work history from Human Resources and Payroll. We work in tandem with your Human Resources Department and ensure that we provide thorough, fast and unbiased results.

Some steps that we at iCrederity take ensure you hire only honest and truthful employees:

  • Source information directly from Payroll or Human Resources.
  • Glean out gaps in a resume or job application.
  • Cross check information obtained through reference checks.
  • Compliance with industry requirements and guidelines.
  • A consistent, auditable process.
Find out how iCrederity can help your organization by calling us on +91 80 43740453 or email us at [email protected] .
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