Background Checks
Resume Certification
Verify Someone
Marriage background Check
Tenant Screening
People Background Check
Verify your identity
Pre Employment Screening
Vendor Assessment
Customer Verification
Job Boards
Freelance Sites
Dating Sites
Other Marketplaces
Health & Medicine
Education & Literacy
Disaster Relief
Seniors & Disabled
Tenant Screening - 34$
Package Items:

Recommended for most entry level positions. Provides identity verification and an expanded criminal history examination.

  • Identity check
  • Two reference checks
  • Permanant address check
Suited for:

First time job seekers - Certify your resume and increase your chances of landing in your first job

Students - Certify your resume to stand out from the peers

Freelancers - Improve your prospects. Certify your resume and get a trusted iCrederity seal on your projects

Need to certify additional details? . . . We'll help you put it together
You can modify this package and add additional details that needs to be certified, including credit history reports, drug screening, nationwide criminal and statewide criminal database searches, and much more.

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