Resume Certification
Background Checks
Verify your identity
Verify Someone
Establish Trust
Let Trust be your first feature while establishing your online identity.
Feel Exclusive
Tell your fans and followers that you are you by using the iCrederity seal on your blog, websites and other social profiles.
Secured and Safe
Protect yourself from fakers and spammers.
Lifetime Investment
Verify your identity once and reap
the benefits for rest of your life.
Get the iCrederity Seal and protect your identity!

You can prevent Identity Theft by verifying you identity and make sure that you own it. Show you are who you say you are!

Verify your Twitter account with iCrederity and let people follow the Real You!
Verify your Facebook account with iCrederity. (Coming Soon)
Verify your LinkedIn account with iCrederity. (Coming Soon)
Verify your MySpace account with iCrederity. (Coming Soon)